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    Welche Vorteile seht Ihr noch?

  • Hier ein gutes Argument, unser Tool zu verwenden (von smartdraw.com):

    The Valuation of Meetings

    ROI:"Expressed usually as a percentage, return on investment is a measure of
    profitability that indicates whether or not a company is using its resources
    in an efficient manner."

    It's well documented that a considerable amount of time (our most valuable
    resource) is wasted in meetings. For most organizations, this is a hidden
    cost that is affecting the bottom line. The question is, by how much? As
    Hamlet said, "Ay, there's the rub."

    The first step in valuing a meeting is to determine what resources comprise
    the investment. Most meetings consist of three cost factors.

    1. Time spent by those participating in the meeting

    2. The facility cost (rent and utilities of the meeting space)

    3. Any incidentals (equipment rental, copies, food and beverages)

    For most organizations, the time of the participants is the largest cost
    factor for meetings. Consider the statistic that most executives spend 23
    hours a week in meetings. At a $120,000 salary level and based on a 48-week
    work year, that's a weekly meeting cost of over $1,400 per executive.

    For most enterprises, meeting cost is a relatively straightforward
    mathematical computation. In our hypothetical meeting ROI model, we will
    apply the following assumptions:

    * An executive spends an average of 23 hours per week in meetings

    * Average annual executive salary is $120,000

    * A manager spends an average of 12 hours per week in meetings

    * Average annual manager salary is $60,000

    * Our company has four executives and 16 managers regularly attending

    It could be argued that meeting time is more or less valuable than time
    spent in other pursuits. But for this model we assume that the value of an
    executive/management hour is the same, regardless of activity. After all, if
    it was a less valuable investment of time, then why have meetings at all?
    Conversely, if it were more valuable, then it would make sense to invest
    even more time in meetings.

    There are probably as many ways to compute the average value of attendees as
    there are meetings. For the attendees at this company's meetings, we will
    apply an average value per hour ("billing rate", if you will) of $75

    A search of the Internet for statistics on meetings reveals some alarming
    data on the inefficiency of business meetings:

    * According to a Microsoft® survey 63% of meetings are conducted
    without a prepared agenda.

    * According to an MCI Network Conferencing white paper, 9 out of 10
    people daydream during meetings.

    * The same white paper also reports that 73% bring other work to

    * Nearly one in ten meetings is held without the primary decision
    maker(s) even being present.

    * Executives average 23 hours per week in meetings with 7.8 hours
    identified as wasted time.

    * An article in the Fall 2006 issue of The Facilitator newsletter
    reports that 49% say unfocused/unproductive meetings are their biggest
    workplace time-waster.

    * All too often there is no accountability for results, with only one
    in five meetings having any type of follow-up.

    * A Tulsa University study estimated meeting productivity rates of 33%
    to 47% - the rest ofmeeting time is wasted.

    The average proficiency rating is 43%, meaning that 57% of the time and
    potential productivity of meetings are lost. This number is consistent with
    survey data. Presented in mathematical terms, it means that companies are
    suffering a negative ROI of 30% on their meetings.